Vet Full Time Candidates for Six Months with Creative Options Placement Services

Happy New Year to you! Despite the frozen temperatures outside, fourth quarter’s hiring freezes have lifted and a brand new year brings opportunities to fill new positions. You may have a list of important full time roles to fill on your team and Creative Options understands how challenging it can be to find the right candidate. Even an individual with a great resume, who interviews well, demonstrates great communication skills, and appears to have all the indicators of a great hire can end up not fitting in with your company culture or team environment. Wouldn’t it be nice to have the time to see how a candidate performs in a role before committing to hiring them full time? With Creative Options Placement Services you can.

Creative Options Placement Services

The Creative Options Placement Services Program allows you to vet a potential employee over a six-month trial period. During this time, an individual would work through Creative Options as a consultant in their full time role supporting your organization. This program gives you the opportunity to evaluate many important abilities such as working well under pressure, interacting with different levels of management, multi-tasking, and blending and contributing to your current team. If they are deemed a good fit, after six months you can hire them directly without being charged the typical placement fee.

On the other hand, if you determine that the hire is not a good fit you can easily let go of the consultant without the long drawn out Human Resource corrective action process. Creative Options can then find you a new candidate or you could try another of your choice.

2018 is a New Year with many positive indicators that the economy will continue to grow. Each New Year brings the opportunity to try new things to better your organization. Let Creative Options get your organization off to a great start with our Placement Services Program. For more information, please call 703-294-480 or email